Friday, December 19, 2008


It's okay to love Nixon again! It took a long time, but finally someone (Ron Howard--the best!!) had the courage to show that all of Nixon's so-called "bad decisions" were just the result of his having an overbearing father whose approval he could never secure. If Nixon committed any crime it was being too sensitive and fragile for this world. This revelation should have come much sooner. It is imperative that we, as Americans, rewrite the Nixon narrative so that we can once again have faith in our public officials. Crook? No! Just a man, flawed like the rest of us. Ron Howard has taken the first important step, but it is up to us to do the rest.

Luckily, it appears that an intrepid few in the media have taken Howard's cue, and are speculating on the mental health of Illinois governor Rod "The Wad" Blagojevich. If we attribute all of his crimes to childhood trauma over which he had no control, then it will be much more difficult for the scandal to derail our faith in our politicians. And derailing faith in politicians is not what Democracy and Freedom need right now. Thanks Ron Howard! You are a true American.

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